Day 3, Dua 3: Protection from the C word
Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A capstone to the most difficult year of my life. Alhumdulillah it was caught early. Alhumdulillah I have the best surgeons, medical care, support network imaginable. IA I’ll be in the 80 per cent of women who never get this again; but waiting in the hospital office, after every six month mammogram, even gives an eternal optimist some pause. is never quite the same. You feel a bit more vulnerable, a bit more exposed, a whole lot more grateful. The new normal is not bad; it gets me to eat kale in the mornings and work out most days. Our adventure through India the past few weeks was part of my healing process; it’s essential to do the things that make you feel whole again. In my case, it’s all about meeting extraordinary people, hearing their stories, and being able to share them.Please God, don’t let this cancer return. Please protect me, please protect the one out of eight women who’ll have to face this at some point in their lives; please provide all women, in every corner of the world, the care and options and sustenance I’ve been blessed to have.Day 3, Dua 3: Protection from the C word