Day 15: Green your deen


 “Wherever you may be at the time of prayer, you may pray, for it (the Earth) is all a mosque.”   Hadith

 Guest blogger: ZaydWow, am I tired!  This morning I went for a walk on the C&O canal near my house. I picked up trash for my good deed. I was also fasting so it was hard. It was a beautiful morning to go on a walk. I even saw a blue heron. I went with my mom and Ms. Rebecca. I kept my eyes peeled to the ground for any trash. I found a piece of net, a water bottle, a plastic cup and a napkin.  Fortunately there wasn’t  too much trash to pick up.  I love the environment so it felt really good to help keep it clean and green.  My mama told me that Prophet Muhammad once said that the earth is like a mosque, which means it is sacred.  We all have to help keep it clean because it is one of Allah’s creations and we should respect it. Day 15: Deed 15:  Helping to keep our 'mosque' clean.


Day 16: Breaking fast, building bridges


Day 14: Be a hummingbird